Who Is Coming To
Bearsville 98?
last update on July 14th, 1998
A blonde behind the
Selena caravan of terror perhaps?
List of prospective attendees compiled by the EDA Mommy,
Tammy Campbell
*= attended in
+ = attended in
1996 but did not arrive home in the same vehicle he left Jewelstock in.
& = attended Bearsville '97
(sort of):
- *& Rob and Tammy Campbell and the girls - NJ - Tlcathome@aol.com
- & Tom & Vicki Miles - PA - Boomaboy@aol.com
- *+& Eric Montas (Crashboy) - NJ - RoninAM@worldnet.att.net
- *& Jon Reade - PA - AESTHETE99@aol.com
- * Rich Melko - PA - Greenme75@aol.com
- *& Amy Neufeld - NJ - W1GGY2@aol.com
- *& Dennis Harris - MA - Harrisbros@aol.com
- *& Tom Proven - PA - Horter3@aol.com
- *& Tom O'Brien - NY - Morpheusob@aol.com
- *& Rachel Martin - MA - Cornflkgl@aol.com
- & Erica Cavallo & 2 friends - CT - VCavallo@aol.com
- & Laura Marion - MA - Imario1@hotmail.com
- & Ali Fraser - PA - bluclouds@aol.com
- & Mykle Marriette - NC - myom@charweb.org
- & Ted Berberian - MA - tberberian@usa.net
- & Lauren Bond - NY - bond@bucknell.edu
- Wendy - Thebugvw@aol.com
- Kelly Gallagher - NJ - leftychic@aol.com
- Bill Bartholemew - MA - wdb@obl.bidmc.harvard.com
- Chris Moynihan
- MA - CleoCrazy2@aol.com
- Marissa Emore - PA - ?@?.?
- Russ Rivera - ?? - RussRive@qaol.com??
- Pat Brown (aka Tom Harris)
- Rebecca O'Meara (formerly Rebecca Smith) - NC - missw9@hotmail.com
- David Beery - MI - drum@traverse.net
- & John Hickey - NY - shallowend1@juno.com
- & Abel Rosario - NY - rosarioa@cuny.campus.mci.net
- & Joshua Baummer - PA - buffalo@cyberia.com
- Chris Klein - digital@rcn.com
- *
& Mark Nissley (Crunch) - PA - Nestle@ptd.net
no longer attending
* Gerrit Kruidhof - CA - gerrit@halcyonsoft.com
no longer attending
& = Chris
says he was at Bearsville '97, but I don't buy it. I checked the game film
and no sign of him anywhere. None....nada. But just to make him happy,
I stuck a "&" up there for him. Gosh, now watch EVERYONE
claim they were there ;-)
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