Who Is Coming To Bearsville 97?

last update on the afternoon of July 12th, 1997

List of prospective attendees compiled by Mark "Crunch" Nissley

* = attended in 1996!

+ = attended in 1996 but did not arrive home in the same vehicle he left Jewelstock in.

  1. *Mark "Crunch" Nissley - BRSVL97@aol.com
  2. *Tammy & Robb Cambell & the kids - Tlcathome@aol.com
  3. Stephanie Kartalopoulos - sm_kartalopo@ACAD.FANDM.EDU
  4. *Rachel Martin - CornflkGl@aol.com
  5. * Alan Bershaw - ABershaw@aol.com
  6. *Jon Reade - Aesthete99@aol.com
  7. *Tom O'Brien - MorpheusOB@aol.com
  8. *Tom Proven & the kids - Horter3@aol.com
  9. +* Eric Montas - RoninAM@worldnet.att.net
  10. * Jared Jacobus - SDAngelLI@aol.com
  11. Ali Fraser - EFraser311@aol.com
  12. Ali-Fraser II - The-Thrilla@Manila
  13. Bond, Lauren Bond - bond@bucknell.edu
  14. Jon Hamilton - JonBoy911@aol.com
  15. Bill P - rael@surfnetwork.com
  16. Jennifer "The Love Bug" Meyer - JenBug57@aol.com
  17. Laura Tonn - billt@toolcity.net
  18. Joshua Baummer - Buffalo@Cyberia.com
  19. Mike Carmona - MikeDreams@aol.com
  20. Laura Marion - lmarion@ix.netcom.com
  21. Whitney ? - Faery85364@aol.com
  22. Joshua Gaynor - jgaynor@hotmail.com
  23. Hunter Eggink - heggink@iquest.net
  24. Tom Miles - tmiles@ptd.net
  25. Erica "The Great Puddini" Cavallo - VCavallo@aol.com
  26. Sarah Merritt - HCCZ70C@prodigy.com
  27. Ted "Conan the" Berberian - kendrick@ma.ultranet.com
  28. John Hickey - shallowend@asan.com
  29. David P. Discher - dpd@ee.wustl.edu
  30. Kelly Magee - AngelKM97@aol.com
  31. * Richard "Akira" Chang - sdf4@ix.netcom.com
  32. Bond, Rick Bond - rickbond@concentric.net
  33. Carl Jamison - cjj@seas.upenn.edu
  34. Steve Messina - GroovyLime@aol.com
  35. Abel Rosario - rosarioa@cuny.campus.mci.net
  36. Bill Bartholomew (driver) - wdb@obl.bidmc.harvard.edu
  37. Albert Wang - bahamude2user1.channel1.com
  38. *Dennis Harris - HarrisBros@aol.com
  39. Chris Moynihan - CleoCrazy2@aol.com
  40. Brandon Nguyen - bc_nguyen@hotmail.com
  41. Pat Brown - tiltedhalo@juno.com
  42. Chris Phillips - phig@olg.com
  43. Sarah Robeson - robeson+@andrew.cmu.edu

=) Please let me know if any of this is wrong or if you are not on the list but are interested.

=) Stephanie has already begun an Angel Needs a Ride program to help everyone find rides. Please e-mail her at sm_kartalopo@ACAD.FANDM.EDU with your info immediately ("need"/"can give" a ride, where you are located). She will compile the info and post it to the list!

=) Crunch!

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