EDA fun scheduled for Saturday July 19th & Sunday July 20th
(If you plan on indoor lodging, you may wish to show up a day early on Friday the 18th, as many of the lodges in the immediate area require a two night minimum on weekends)
Last updated on the morning of July 12th, 1997
Check back often for updates & more info
Carpooling updated the morning of July 12th
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| If Ya Wanna Go & Pay Hommage At The Site Of JewelStock, Find This Place |
Nope, not unless we make it one :)
This letter from event co-coordinator, Mark "Crunch" Nissley explains all:
=) Hey my friends!!
=) I have recieved much interest in a Woodstock/Bearsville- based Jewelstock anniversary EDA gathering. In other words, a bunch of EDAs want to hang out in Woodstock, NY on July 19th and 20th, and/or even Friday the 18th! =)!
=) Although there was behind the scenes talk about having a few non-Jewel artists play for us, those plans have not worked out. However, that's never stopped us before, has it? This is to be a true EDA gathering for the sake of EDAs. And a fallback for those northeasterners unable to make it to Starry Night in SanDiego the week before.
=) There is no real plan at this point except for a definite goal for a bunch of EDAs to meet and hangout in the little love community of Woodstock. We'll probably swing over to Bearsville at some point to check out the Bearsville Theatre and trade stories of JewelStock. Aside from that, it'll just be pure EDA Lovin' !!
=) What I need right now is RSVP from everyone interested in joining other EDAs in Bearsville on July 19th/20th! Please RSVP to : BRSVL97@aol.com This is an address set up to coordinate this event. Who wants to go !!!???
=) Crunch!
These are valuable online route map links suggested by fellow Angels:
Steve's Campsite ~ Was
the hot campsite for those roughing it at
JewelStock last year. This is likely the place most campers will be going
to this year, and Steve is looking forward to having the gang back this
summer :) It is on Rte. 214 in Lanesville NY. It is west then north of
Bearsville...about 17-20 miles down the road. You may wish to use the Delormes
Cyber Router above to get directions from Bearsville or Woodstock to Lanesville.
Phone 688-7062
EDA Tom O'Brien posted these directions on the list July 11th:
There are other campsites in the area, but Steve's Campsite is going to be the main focal point for EDAs at this time, the others? They are listed here.
If you'd rather sleep indoors during your experience, we recommend the Woodstock Lodge (formerly the Pinecrest Lodge). Many EDAs stayed there for JewelStock last summer. See LODGES below for more details :)
NOTE - most lodging in the immediate Woodstock/Bearsville area require a two night minimum when reserving a room on Friday or Saturday.
Also, this info is from July 1996 from the JewelStock concerts, some info may be outdated.
(all area codes are 914)
Bed & Breakfast (all with minimal rooms)
I wanna go! Who do I write? Do I need 60's clothing & love beads and tunes by the Doors & Jefferson Airplane & groovy things like that?
For camping and general Bearsville 97 information contact Mark "Crunch" Nissley at BRSVL97@aol.com or Tammy "Flower Girl" Campbell at tlcathome@aol.com
For carpooling info, contact Stephanie "The Greek Poet Chick" Kartalopoulos at sm_kartalopo@ACAD.FANDM.EDU
For 60's clothing & love beads & groovy things like that, bring $$$. Woodstock is chock full of shops that have this stuff. You can bring any tunes you want, but tradable angelfood is always a must at EDA gatherings :)
Woodstock Community Links
| If Ya Wanna Go & Pay Hommage At The Site Of JewelStock, Find This Place |
Woodstock logo not by me, originally designed by the operator of the Woodstock Institue of Technology
Jewelstock logo stolen from Dennis Harris
This page was designed and recklessly thrown on the internet by Mike Connell. You can direct kudos, flames and threatening letters to me at..DuckSoup@quackquack.net